
         Storytelling adalah cara yang dilakukan untuk menyampaikan suatu cerita kepada para penyimak baik dalam betuk kata-kata,gambar ,foto . Storytelling harus mempunyai PUBLIK SPEAKING. Penasaran dengan Contoh Storytelling? Check this out !!!

The Two Duck And The Fox

Duck And Fox

          One day, two duck walked a long the road to go to the lake for their swim. In the middle of the road, they met MR.Fox. He sat under the three.

" Hello sister. Where are you going? asked Mr.Fox.
" Good morning,Mr.Fox,we are going to lake over there. We want to swim. Would you like to join us? asked the ducks.
" No thanks, do you both come a long here every day? asked Mr.Fox.
" Yes, we always walk here every mornign." said the ducks.
" Delicious, i mean nice to see you both." said Mr.Fox. The next day

            The next day, the first duck said " are we going to swim today? i bet that Mr.Fox is waiting for us ad he has a bad plain.

" I know, i have a palan for him too."
" Said the second duck. One their way they met Mr.Fox again.
"Hello sisters, going to swin again?" asked mR.fOX
"Yes,we are, why don't you take us to the lake and protect us from bad animals? "said the second duck.
"of course, it's my pleasure" reptiled Mr.Fox.
"this is an easy way to have a free lunch. I have a big bag with me now" though Mr.Fox.

Three of them walked to the lake and sang same songs.

"When i say run,let's run fast together."said the second duck. Run !!!!

They ran so fast and jumped into the lake. Mr.Fox jumped upon them, but he forgot that he could not swim. So, Mr.Fox drowned in the lake. He failed to get his free lunch.

Moral : Do not ever intend evil to someone, because evil is self inflicted.

     Sekian contoh Storytelling dari saya, Apabila ada kekurangan mohon maaf, karena manusia tidak luput dari kesalahan. Segala Kebenaran datang dari ALLAH dan segala kekurangan datang dari diri saya sendiri.


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